Uke can do it!!!

Author rileycone

EdCamp! (with a little bit of screen recording)

In class today, we had an EdCamp session which is a user generated conference that is free and open to all. EdCamp is participant driven, meaning that it relies on the participants to initiate the discussions and to keep the… Continue Reading →

Ukulele: One Step at a Time

Good news! I am getting closer and better at being able to play the Dm and Em chords. Dm is definitely still the more difficult one but the sound of the chord when I strum it is sounding better and… Continue Reading →

Video and Audio Galore

One thing that I found really useful from class on Monday, October 19 was the screen casting because we have an assignment due on November 2 for our EPHE 310 class and the information given to us in class regarding… Continue Reading →

Ukulele: Proving to be More Difficult…

In my last free inquiry blog post I mentioned how I couldn’t achieve the finger positioning for the chords Dm and Em and how if I practiced I would eventually get it, well I practiced a lot and those two… Continue Reading →

Social media, graphics, and more!

During class on October 5, we talked about teacher content on Instagram and Twitter and we even began discussing it for TikTok which is a somewhat newer app that has become extremely popular among younger generations. Michael, our Technology and… Continue Reading →

Ukulele: The Journey Continues…

This past week has felt extra busy and overwhelming with assignments, classes, work, etc. but I still found time to practice the ukulele! Learning the ukulele has been really fun thus far, so making time for something that I enjoy… Continue Reading →

Guest Lecturer: Jesse Miller

In today’s zoom lecture we had the privilege of having Jesse Miller as a guest lecturer. Jesse spoke to us about technology and social media in education. I thoroughly enjoyed his presentation, it was very eye opening and insightful. When… Continue Reading →

Free Inquiry: Ukulele!

I decided on doing my free inquiry project on the ukulele. I love teaching myself new instruments so I think it will be fun to document my weekly progress. Having this blog will allow me to always be able to… Continue Reading →

Most Likely to Succeed

I recently watched the documentary “Most Likely to Succeed” written and directed by Greg Whiteley. In this documentary we get to watch how the high school High Tech High works and how the teachers at this school teach their students…. Continue Reading →

Free Inquiry Project Ideas

For my free inquiry project for EDCI 336, I was thinking of doing something related to learning the ukulele. I thought I could potentially document my process of how I learn it and how I can teach it to others…. Continue Reading →

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